Challenge Roth am 10. Juli 2011

Bericht (Alain)

Everybody knows that signing up to such an event as Challenge Roth or Ironman is not something light. It costs a lot, and it demands a lot of training time. I signed up for Roth even before I had completed my first ever long distance, so I took a risk there. And Regensburg was hell for me specially on the run. Live and lear, so after I put all the chances on my side to be better prepared, and I would like to thank Michael B., Rolf, Sven and Horst who helped me through winter with their experience running or of long distance.

So I did two Marathons, in Bodensee and Salzburg this year, just to get experience on such a run. I also invested a lot more time swimming, at the pool or lake, thank you Wolfgang Maier. My cycling suffered a bit, specially after my knee injury back in March, where I could not train at all for over a month. So you see it is all about training through winter and how you pace it, organize it. Through winter I did 1 race per month to give me indicators of my fitness condition. Last thanks to all training partners who kept going in winter and family for support. That is for the preparation side.

Now you all know the last 8 weeks were not very optimal for me to get ready but I think with a lot of help, I managed as good as I could to get through, and be ready for THE DAY. I must say that the last few days before the race, starting reading all the information, course plans, packing and preparing bags and bike, I started to panic a little bit. That was it, would I be ready? And it is with some stress that I went to Roth collect my start number. Horst and Christine came in the afternoon and camped with me at the start. It helped me a lot having someone there, to give me advice, to cool me down also...Thank you guys. So yes I camped the night before, well slept in my car. And I slept very well!

Race Day:
Woke up at 4.50 like most people around me and ate my breakfast. Always a bit hard to swallow but you know you need to! I had everything else ready so was just a matter to walk to the start for the last preparation like filling bottles, drop bike stuff etc... It was at that point 6 with one hour to go. So like everyone else I walked like a zombie through the starting zone, meeting from time to time known faces, going to the bathroom three times at least, meeting people again. Horst at that point, had taken my pump and wished me good luck and stay cool. I guess he saw the emotions going though me at that moment. All I can say is that I could not say much or smile.

At 6.55 I got in the water, and took sometime to adjust the goggle, they were taking water. So I arrived at the line with one minute to go...Pulse was high! Then it was finally my start, and I could get in a nice pace, not having to fight too much in the first 300 m. I swam in the middle to go to the first turning point and once on the other side I swam at the border and found out it was much easier. I could see the bottom, so see my speed, the water there was undisturbed, so I could even do a three or four stroke. Nice. I covered the swim without major problem in 1hr07. Ahead of plan as I thought I might be 1hr20. Nice for the head to start!

Then I went to the change zone, no panic, took my time to put on my socks and shoes, collect the bike, and drove out, around 4 min time.

Once on the bike, I concentrated in the first 40km to eat and drink, getting into some rythm but not too fast. The unknown for me was the hill in Greding where I heard it had a 10% in it. Finally it was not so bad and unless you ride like an idiot in it, it was nice. KM 70 the famous Solar berg, where after the curve and barriers, I saw a wall of people in front and it blew my mind! Where is the road??? But I followed Horst advice and made sure I overtake some slower bikers before getting to the crowds. Mid way through this massive amount of people, I saw Horst and Christine, shouting at me, taking pics, thanks! Once on top, we passed again at the Canal and the bridge over it where the start was. I saw there Paul De Carbonnel, Thanks Paul, nice to see you!

At that point I was on track for a 5hr10 bike time but I started to have pain in my lower back and my speed was decreasing. I reached for my bottle at the back of my saddle and notice the whole thing was moving! I was loosing my saddle, which is a major problem specially at km 120 with 60 to go! I stopped a first time at a curve and asked people who had an inbus and after some minutes I was handed one by the Firefighters. I could fix it again but once on the bike It was clear I had to stop again as the saddle was not even anymore. The nose was up and killing me. So my speed dropped as well but I knew there is a technical station in Greding on top of the hill, and it took some courage, determination to get there...The mechanic was nice and knew what to do. It took three times to mount and remove the saddle to get the settings right but it was worth it as you cannot run with a broken back. I lost about 20 min in the operation but it is part of the race. I covered the bike leg in 5hr32. Last strech covered at near 38km/h, that showed I still have good legs, and been able to sit properly again it was like night and day compare the the previous 40 km...!

So I was now in Roth for my second change, I took my time again, to put on the shoes, cap and SUN CREAM! Time was also around 4 min.

Then I settled into the run, once out of the change zone you start to go down which is nice to set a pace, of course it goes up and on top I met the winner and Sebastian Kienle who were finishing! But ok it did not affect me, as they belong to another planet... At km 4, I met Christiane and Heinz, who were very exited to see me, nearly not recognizing me with my blond hair. By the way, I did this for few reasons, one was to do something different for the race, to surprise people who came to encourage me, to look like Ben and last I think to relieve some stress prior to the race. At km 6, met Horst and Cristine again, nice! Passed km 10 in 56min, 10 to 20 in 56:48 so a regular pace. 20 to 30 in 1:06 and 30 to 40 in 1:04!

All very good by my standards as the course was not flat as such. On each side of the canal you had to go fetch the turning points and they always were off the canal in some village up a hill! And running straigh on a canal for 20 km is not easy either. That is where I saw at KM 21 Steffie (jumping and screaming like mad! Which made me laugh). Sven and Jutta who encouraged me as well. KM 27 was special as you have this climb in the woods, lot people walked there...I only walked at feeding stations to get the liquid and food in properly. Once this whole canal ordeal was over, I was happy to set course back to Roth, but I knew there is that hill to take to get to the center, not very long but at km 38 it hurts...I secretly thought I might walk there...but no luck, Sven, Jutta, Steffie, Horst and Christine were there...LOL...HAD TO RUN!!!

And good I did at it felt good. Actually I never had a problem on the run with stomach or anything. The only problem was the outfit cutting me under the right arm but I put a sponge on the wound to protect the skin by km 3 already. In the last 3 km I was able to overtake quiet some people and finished the last km in 4min45! Steffie was at the finish straight in the crowd but saw her, and heard her, thanks! Total time for the run 4hr14, amazing time for me.

Overall time 11:03:21, could have been faster without my saddle problem but as I said it is part of the race. So I am very happy!

By the time I got to the showers it started to rain heavily, and while I was having a massage, buttermilch, semmels, the whole troop (Horst, Christiane, Christine, Heinz and Steffie) were collecting my car at the start 10km away, under this huge rain, thanks guys much appreciated. Then collected my bike under the rain and met with Steffie to pack the car again. We decide to go eat as Roth was all blocked still, and we left at around 10pm. Going out of Roth they were still people on the run! With 5 or 6 km to go, and they were one hand you think that you did not do too bad and on the other you have to admire them for their dedication...

My classification is what it is, I did not competing against anybody for myself. I had fun, it was nice. And as usual I signed up for 2012 even before I started. So see you again for the Ironman Germany on the 8th of July 2012!

Name Platz Gesamt AK Platz AK Zeit
Beaufayt, Alain (1253) 1005 M40 257 11:03:21 (S:01:07:44, T1:04:12, R:05:32:10, T2:04:29, L:04:14:48)

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